Monday, February 21, 2011

Sundress Season is Just Around the Corner!

I  had definitely planned that my next sewing project would be a wool pencil skirt I had cut out 2 weekends ago after a failed skirt attempt using the same fabric.  However that was back when it was still cold outside and working on a wool skirt made all the sense in the world.  Happily though I live in Austin where the weather is known to change minute by minute!

So who can work on wool when the weather shouts triumphantly that Sun Dress season is just around the corner?  Not me it turns out!  So when this Saturday handed out some well needed rain and much warmer temps I ran for one of several recent pattern purchases - .99 cents at JoAnn's!  A very cute Simplicity pattern for a 1960's retro dress.  I decided to use a rayon print that was also a hand-me-down freebie.

While I'm not finished with it, I am very happy with how it is turning out.  I need to put on the facing pieces for the neck and armholes, but I am already seeing it on with a cute pair of sandals as I sing "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" at the top of my lungs.  "I wanna be the one to walk in the sun! Oh girls just wanna have fun!"

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tying Up Loose Ends

This is my first ever knitted afghan!  My inspiration for the project was a picture from a Martha Stewart "Living" magazine. It was a December issue with great ideas for Christmas. In one of the photos was a little girl snuggled in her bed with a similar blanket.  The resouce guide and a bit of internet research told me her blanket could be purchased for a mere $300...  !!!

I really, really liked the photo and could tell from the picture it was done in a knit stitch with a ribbed trim, easy enough and I knew I could use the practice of some serious repetition!  So...what's a girl to do but run by Hill Country Weavers on Congress Avenue, show the sales girl my magazine photo and ask for help copying the object of my desire.  She helped me pick out very large circular needs with a 30 inch connector and some great yarn choices.  I bought the needles but sadly couldn't really afford their yarn - but I snuggled alot of it before leaving with my prized needles!

Next stop was JoAnn Fabrics where I settled on "Wool-Ease Chunky" yarn in an oyster color and headed home eager to start on my project. Well... that was at LEAST two years ago - quite possibly three! 

What began with a lot of enthusiasm faded as my project got too big and heavy to be portable. Then it was too hot to work on during summer...and so on.  I get so excited about starting something new and love the thrill of finishing well, but oh how hard it is not to get bogged down in the middle!  I sense that 2011 is going to be the "Year of Tying Up Loose Ends".  I am embarassed at how many projects I have started and are in various stages of completion.  Why do I do that? 

My goal for 2011 is one completed sewing project per month.  It may turn out that the projects I finish are the ones I have already stated - - Which reminds me...I have a quilt top I finished several years ago that also needs completing.  I think I'm headed there next!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Skirting a Delima

This was suppossed to be my first "real" completed sewing project of 2011.  Simplicity's It's So Easy W 2410.  Cut out and sewn up in January 2011.  It was cut out and started in January 2011, but finished Saturday, February 5, 2011.  All was going well until I hemmed it up.  Hemming gave it a permanent "bell" shape at the hemline due to the weight of the fabric.

The wool I used was given to me several years ago - so no expense there.  The pattern is CLEARLY suited for lightweight fabric AND if I had read the pattern envelope it would have confirmed what my eyeballs already knew.  AAARGGG = why do I do this kind of thing?  I want to be successful in my garment sewing endeavors and yet I take risks that I know I shouldn't.  Then get discouraged at the time and effort I put into a projectt hat is unwearable.


Sew - after sweet success finishing up the "Shopper" bag from Indygo Junction, I cut out another pattern for a pencil skirt out of my free wool.  Yes, I did read the pattern envelope first to confirm my fabric was a match for my pattern!  This is Simplicity 9825 and is my "Februray Project"  Pencil Skirt - February 2011 Project   Considering the first week of the month is already gone and I'll be working next weekend AND February is short several days...I have my work "cut" out for me!  Sew...stay tuned to see how it all turns out!

"Shopper" Bag from Indygo Junction - Finished!

I am REALLY trying hard to live up to my goal for 2011 of one completed sewing project per month.  Had cut out a skirt from a cute wool fabric that was given to me several years ago. I used Simplicity's "It's So Easy" W2410 and was doing fine until I hemmed the finished skirt, causing it to retain a permanent bell shape at the hemline - definately very unflattering! 

So...rather than completely reinvent the wheel, I decided to finish up a large, quilted tote bag I had started around Thanksgiving 2010.  IT TURNED OUT SEW CUTE!!  Even my son was impressed with the results!  So - while it wasn't a truly January 2011 project started and completed within the month of January 2011 - it will have to do for starters!

Bonus - have enough free wool left over to try the pencil skirt pattern I just bought last weekend, so on account of the Super Bowl today, I had an empty house and cut out the pattern and the skirt.  Looking forward to my next sewing adventure!